While we have quite a few closets, the shelving is minimal and it's ALL wire :( .
In both linen closets, there were only 4 wire shelves in that big closet.
I couldn't get all my things on it because even though this linen closet was only a couple of inches narrower than our last house, I needed another shelf or 2, so Mr. DIY got busy and installed some adjustable shelving.
He went to our neighborhood Lowes Home Improvement (the same one we've always gone to, but now we're only 3 minutes away instead of 8) and picked up some brackets and standards. These are the same brackets and standards we used for our ever so popular baskets in the old Master Closet. You can see them HERE.
These didn't take away the useable space from the sides, which I desperately needed because this linen closet is a bit narrower than the last one and I wanted to use the same baskets and configuration. Still need to fill some holes, but that can be done after the unpacking is finished.
Isn't it purdy? I even have 1 more shelf than I did before!
Here it is all put back together.
The linen closet is even deep enough to keep a stool handy for that top shelf.
I still have a shelf to fill!
3 more closets and a pantry (3 feet less than the old house) to go!