Monday, February 22, 2010

A New Beginning ...

Hi, my name is Pam and I’m a design fanatic ...

Yes, I am saying it out loud, I am addicted to design. (I am sure there are many more of you out there … I’ve seen your blogs!) I am in a continual state of observing and assessing the elements of design that I encounter in my everyday life … Space, Line, Shape, Texture, Color … and, the principles of design such as Balance, Rhythm, Repetition, Transition, Scale, Harmony, Contrast, and my favorite: Functionality. (I’m sure I missed a few). All of you design fanatics assess these in your daily life too, even if you didn’t sit through design 101 & can’t name the el
ements & principles of design. It doesn’t matter whether I am observing the exterior of a house, a garden, a vase, an outfit, piece of furniture, a billboard or even a school project.

I am envious of you who can just pick one area and be really good at it such as creating jewelry, invitations, clothing, a garden, etc. It’s too difficult for me to choose just one thing. I am constantly designing & re-designing the multitude of things I see all around me -in my head. The only way to calm those thoughts in my head is to be involved in an actual creative project … doesn’t matter what it is. Sounds like a mental disease to me!

I can remember designing things when I was very young. What do I remember from kindergarten? I remember painting these ginormous ball gowns on princesses. When I was a few years older I remember sitting in my bedroom creating dresses for my Barbie from scraps of fabric that I had. What do you remember from your childhood? Could be the key of what you should be doing as an adult! I think I read that in a book somewhere.

Being a Christian, I used to wish that I had some really important talent such as singing or teaching and felt bad that my career up until I had kids was in the fashion industry was so secular. I mentioned this to a friend as we were having dinner at one of our favorite pizza places. I can’t remember all that she said, but she basically said it was the first thing written in the bible in Genesis 1:1 which says: In the beginning God created …. If being creative is one of His attributes, then it’s a good one for me to have too. I have never forgotten that, thanks Melissa!

We are often told to find the thing that we have a passion for in life, do it, and that will make you happy. I always thought of this one thing as a paying job, but it doesn’t have to be. I have found that my one thing that makes me happy (other than being with my family) is very general, and that one thing is to create … anything … as long as it is helps to make the world around me a more beautiful place.

Thanks for stopping by,


P.S.The photos in the mosaic are pictures of some of my work. Starting from the top left & going clockwise: 1. A kitchen I designed in Rosehill … 2. My backyard … 3. Another kitchen I designed in Rosehill …4. Tablescape from my youngest daughter’s 15th Birthday party … 5. Fall wreath on my front door … 6. Metal Art in my master bathroom … 7. Close up of the design on the comforter on my bed … 8. The kitchen I designed for my brother.


  1. Hi Pam... how are you, I just saw your blog and follow it too,I am also in line of making a blog..
    Love the kitchen you designed... absolutly perfect...

  2. Pam, welcome to blog land as they call it. You will love sharing your creativity with this mostly positive network of people. Love your header. What beautiful kitchens you designed. I am following, too. I am the faceless person. My pic will not attach to that and cannot figure out how to fix it.

  3. WELcome to the blog club Pam!!~ you are going to be a blogging fanatic as well. I look forward to following you as you have been such an awesome supporter of mine. I can't wait to see what you have doing!~Debbie

  4. Thanks for the support ladies, I appreciate it! So much to learn and figure out, but what a lot of fun.

  5. Hi Pam! Thanks for popping over to PBD! I love designing too!

  6. Hi Pam you are not alone. There are a lot of us out there.

  7. That is so true, hey? If we are made in (His) God's image then it is no wonder we can have a creative trait. Fascinating really. Love design too!

  8. Hi Pam,
    I've been checking in every so often, eagerly awaiting your first post. Your blog is going to be great, I can already tell. You (and your girls) are so creative! I always love seeing what Jessica is wearing whenever I'm around the kids. I sometimes feel the same way about my gifts (really wish I could sing!) You are blessed to have such a wise friend. And your backyard is gorgeous!

  9. Hi Pam, I am trying to add your blog to my list, it is not showing up yet?? Just so you know I am working on, because it will always show me the newest posts you have...sometimes things are confusing on here I still have trouble LOL!!~

  10. great new blog good luck i know it will be great:)

  11. Welcome to blog land, Pam! I love your header mosaic.

  12. Good luck with your blog, Pam! You have no mental issues ;) you're just a passionate designer.

  13. Thanks everyone for your kind comments and for welcoming me to Blog Land!

  14. Truer words could not have been spoken... You, your friend, and God are so right - "In the beginning - God created"... and so have you. Thanks for sharing this, your home and your design adventures Pam. I've enjoyed reading your posts and have also been inspired by them too xo.

    :D Lynda


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