Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Beauty In The Midst Of The Mundane...

I'm in the middle of cleaning a few rooms today...I know, so exciting... when I looked out the window and saw this: 

Since the light was so gorgeous on the trees, it was time to take a break and enjoy the fleeting beauty...

because this view won't look exactly the same next week or even next year.

Living in a place with four seasons has taught me a greater lesson about life and can be summed up in Ecclesiastes 3:1...
There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven.
Every season has special things to do in it.
Time is fleeting...enjoy the season.

 Hope you are having a great day!



  1. We are having the best Fall ever! I just love your pictures and your grounds are so beautiful Pam!

  2. Beautiful post and gorgeous photos!! We are having some nice colors here which is so nice! I miss fall most of all. Growing up in Tennessee, we had four definite seasons, but here it is more summer/cool/ summer!

  3. So beautiful and so true Pam! Your yard is gorgeous and I know what you mean about needing to stop and just drink it all in. We did a family walk through the woods a couple of weekends ago and it was so amazing! Truly a memory I will always treasure and I'm glad we stopped long enough to enjoy this season. :-)
    Thanks for sharing this with us,

  4. What a beautiful day! Your photos are lovely.

  5. Amen! I love that verse so much. Isn't this just a gorgeous fall? Your views are so pretty! Thanks for sharing them with us!


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