Thursday, March 22, 2012

Are You A NO-REPLY Blogger?

Directions for the new Dashboard in Blogger:
Go to Settings and click on it
Go to  Mobile and Email and click on it
Go down to Comment notification email? Fill your email in the box.
Don't forget to save your settings...
That's it!

Have  a fun day!



  1. Pet peeve of mine, too. I love when someone asks a direct question and then I can't answer them.

  2. It makes me crazy when I have to jump through hoops to email a person who doesn't leave their address. Glad you brought this up.

  3. I had this happen so many times. I start to reply and realize I can't.
    It's like word verification. Some people have no clue how to go through and make the changes necessary.
    I hope a few more people get the drift and fix their settings!

  4. i read through her directions, but i can't seem to find anything listed like she said... maybe its the hassles of the new dashboard that links everything with Google+ ? ? i'm not sure...


Leave a comment and let me know you stopped by! If you are not on blogger, leave me your email or some other way of getting in touch with you in the comment. That way I can reply to your question or comment.