Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Install A Drip Irrigation System To Make Your Life Easier

Isn't it beautiful? 
You must be thinking "she's lost it now"! LOL. 
 I'm totally serious, though!  
I'm so excited about this hose bib in my yard because now I don't have to drag a hose across the lawn to  water my veggies in our North garden.
install a simple drip irrigation system, drip irrigation kit, backyard veggie garden, raised beds,

First thing Mr. Fanatic did was dig a trench from where  water pipe was going to go...
install a simple drip irrigation system, drip irrigation kit, backyard veggie garden, raised beds, the existing valves for the irrigation system for the front yard. The valves are  to the right of the tall holly bush.
install a simple drip irrigation system, drip irrigation kit, backyard veggie garden, raised beds,

Mr. F. also tied into this line and hooked up a drip irrigation system so that the veggies in the raised beds and around the beds could be automatically watered on the existing timer. This is especially helpful when we go out of town. The black hose gets buried when it's all finished.
install a simple drip irrigation system, drip irrigation kit, backyard veggie garden, raised beds,

Lowe's carries a drip irrigation kit which is pretty easy to install if you have an existing water line near where your drip system will go. We bought all of our parts separately since we needed more than what the kit had in it, but the parts were mostly the same.
install a simple drip irrigation system, drip irrigation kit, backyard veggie garden, raised beds,

The white pipe (water line) comes out of the ground and attaches to the black hose. Mr. F. ran the black hose down the middle walkway, then tied in the hose to the raised bed on the other side of the walkway.
I'm so glad he does this work for us because it would take me hours days to figure it all out.
install a simple drip irrigation system, drip irrigation kit, backyard veggie garden, raised beds,

The black hose is run along the side of the bed and was covered up with mulch when we were all through.
install a simple drip irrigation system, drip irrigation kit, backyard veggie garden, raised beds,

Smaller lines are T'd into the larger black hose and then the drip line is attached to that.
install a simple drip irrigation system, drip irrigation kit, backyard veggie garden, raised beds,

The brown hose has holes for the water to drip out every 12 inches. We use this type of drip for plants that are in rows. At the end of the run, the hose is just folded over and zip tied.
install a simple drip irrigation system, drip irrigation kit, backyard veggie garden, raised beds,

Looks like my boy kitties are spying on each other. They are always out in the garden with us and curious what we're up to.
install a simple drip irrigation system, drip irrigation kit, backyard veggie garden, raised beds,

The orange tool punctures a hole in the black hose so that a T can be inserted.
install a simple drip irrigation system, drip irrigation kit, backyard veggie garden, raised beds,

install a simple drip irrigation system, drip irrigation kit, backyard veggie garden, raised beds,

Some of the plants have their own individual drip head that can be adjusted for more or less water flow, depending on the water need of the plant.
install a simple drip irrigation system, drip irrigation kit, backyard veggie garden, raised beds,

Mr. F. also hooked up the plants in containers! I can't wait until he hooks up a system like this on our deck : )
install a simple drip irrigation system, drip irrigation kit, backyard veggie garden, raised beds,

I couldn't resist planting some things outside of the raised beds, so Mr. F. ran some drip heads to these plants, as well.
install a simple drip irrigation system, drip irrigation kit, backyard veggie garden, raised beds,

install a simple drip irrigation system, drip irrigation kit, backyard veggie garden, raised beds,
A big thank you to Mr. F. for hooking me up with my drip irrigation system for our raised bed garden. 
Don't you just love things that make your life easier?

Hope you enjoy your Wednesday!


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  1. Wow this is impressive!! You will love it, such a time saver!!!

  2. I just installed something similar in my own garden, though yours seems more complex. Your garden is looking fantastic! I am having a bout of jealousy here ... You can check out my progress here

  3. Gorgeous garden! We definitely have this in the works, too! I love seeing how much you are enjoying it...totally worth it!!!

    XO, Aimee

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