I stayed at home because I am experiencing a couple of days feeling unwell. There's nothing like being in your own home and having access to all things familiar to help you feel better. I'll be fine in a couple of days -
As most of you know, I've been recovering from lyme disease since last December and I'm happy to report that the last 2 weeks I've been feeling REALLY good for the first time in a long time. My current situation is just a response to a course of antibiotics, but I should be back to feeling good in a couple of days. I'll update you with more details on my other blog My Healing Lyme Journal in a couple of days...I promise.
In the meantime, I wanted to share some of the beauty seen at the Mountain Cottage in the past few weeks...
I've shared this one before - We pulled up to the house late afternoon several weeks ago and I had to get out and take a photo.
We usually take photos of the view of the mountains from the covered porch, but I was down in the yard and I included a few from there.
The noble fir is getting tall. It's looks tiny standing next to the oak tree next to it, but I think it's about 9 ft tall now. Next year we may cut it down and bring it home for Christmas. We have something planned for this area eventually, but for now, we'll let it grow. We'll be cutting down a different noble fir that's growing in between some Burning Bush shrubs for one of our trees this year.
I'm counting my blessings during this season of Fall.
Hope you are, as well.
You sure found yourselves a beautiful spot in the mountains. I hope you are feeling better by now. You sure have been on a difficult journey this past year. Can't wait to see the new kitchen in the cabin!!