Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Mason Jar Lid Ornaments

Working on a Christmas craft has a way of putting you in a good Holiday mood. Last year I spied a cute Christmas ornament made from Mason Jar lids over at City Farmhouse and have been wanting to try it ever since.

I already had plenty of Mason Jar lids and the chalkboard paint. I ordered the Bakers Twine, Stamps and Ink on Amazon. The direct links are listed at the end of the post. You'll also need a hot glue gun, which isn't pictured above.

Step 1: paint the front and back of the lids with a chalkboard paint. Since the lids are smooth, it's a good idea to rough up the surface with some sandpaper. Let dry overnight.
Step 2: stamp the lids or write on the lids with a white chalk pen. Be careful not to apply the ink too thick with the stamp. 

The ink didn't dry even when I left it over night, so I had to blot the ink and use a blow dryer to help it dry. I read online that Joann Crafts has a white ink that dries much easier than Colorbox, which is the one I used.

Step 3: cut some string or the Bakers Twine to 10" and tie onto the lid.

Step 4: apply hot glue to the back of the ring, then press the lid in place, making sure that the writing is perpendicular with the string.

4 easy steps, then simply hang on the tree and enjoy!

Hope you enjoy making these as much as I did!


Here are the links to the items I used and mentioned. (affiliate link):


  1. They are cute as cute can be Pam! I think I pinned them last week lol. I will have to again just to be sure. The stamps are awesome. Merry Christmas. xo

  2. So cute Pam!! These look chic and rustic at the same time!


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