Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Spring Cleaning and Organizing

*This post contains affiliate links

Mr. DIY  is working on a wood project to give to our granddaughter and I'll share it soon. 

In the meantime...

Temps are warming up around the Carolinas, which means one thing:

It's time for a little Spring cleaning, organizing and time to freshen things up. 

I'll be starting in my kitchen and bathrooms, cleaning out cabinets and drawers.

Start with the basics: 


I use all of these, with the exception of the Pink Stuff Magic Stuff Cleaner. 

It's a #1 Best Seller in All Purpose Cleaners on Amazon, so I'm going to have to try it.

If you've tried it, let me know what you think in the comments below.

Spring cleaning, kitchen organization, organizing, best cleaners

 I cut Magic Erasers in half and place in cabinet in EVERY sink in the house in a Command Caddy.
I've done this at our home and at our Mountain House. Keeping them handy makes it so simple to take a few seconds to keep sinks clean. 
Command Caddy, organization, organizing,

Click on the link if you'd like to join my obsession with Command Products, click HERE 

Next on my list after cleaning and clearing out cabinets

Replace drawer liner with Contact Grip Liner.  

This is still on my to do list. The Grip liner will keep things in the drawer (including the liner) from shifting. 

Drawer liner, organizing, kitchen organizer, grip liner

For Grip Liner link, click HERE

I don't know about you, but I could use some use some new food containers that look nice and have lids.

kitchen organization, organization, kitchen storage, food containers

For clear food containers, click HERE

My pantry could use some new containers too.

kitchen organization, organization, kitchen storage, kitchen containers

For clear food storage containers, click HERE 

Now I'm getting ahead of myself and my list is getting too long! I still have a list for outdoors and planting seeds and....


For all the rooms that I still need to do some Spring Cleaning in, I'll be spraying my favorite Honeysuckle Room Spray by Meyers. Have you tried it?

Love. Love. Love!

ORGANIZING, freshen up, spring cleaning, kitchen organization

 For Meyers Honeysuckle Room Freshener, click HERE


Here's a miscellaneous tip:

Order a few mildew resistant shower liners and keep them on hand for when you need to replace.

For mildew resistant shower liner, click HERE

Here's to making Spring cleaning a little easier!

Thanks for stopping by,

*This post contains affiliate links, which means I'll make a commission should you click on the link and purchase something, so thanks!!!


  1. Hi Pam, spring cleaning sounds like a good idea! I’ll have to try that Pink Stuff. Lining the drawers is a good idea. I’ve done a few and really like it. I imagine you are way ahead of us for spring! Enjoy 🌷🌼🌷

    1. I purchased some of the Pink Stuff, but have been so busy getting all the bookkeeping ready for the accountant, that I haven't had time to try it!

  2. Nice to see a post from you ! I love Magic Erasers. I like the idea of cutting them and keeping in every cabinet. I use the grippy shelf liner too. I have to try that Honeysuckle Mrs Meyers. I love the smell of fresh honeysuckle!

    1. It's been 15 rough months for me... I hadn't posted in a year. (not due to covid)
      Definitely try out the Meyer's Honeysuckle. It smells so good!
      Thanks for stopping by!


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