Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I Love My Garden

I love to garden and can't wait to look out my basement door and see this view

And for my front yard to look like this

The path coming up from the creek in my backyard

I finally found a nice round fireplace for the patio in the woods. Will be putting it out this weekend. That's my cat buddy who follows me around everywhere.

Thanks for stopping by,



  1. Pam you know how much I love your grounds!!~ You do a beautiful job of caring for them and it shows!!~ Please Spring hurry up...I have so many projects I want to do!!~

  2. Pam, I have always loved looking at the pathway from the creek and your sitting area. It is just so pretty.

  3. Pam the link is up to the party!!~

  4. I love your house Pam. That woodland patio looks so cool -- as in the shade! No wonder you kitty likes to be photographed there. He's just chillin!

  5. I finally found a nice iron fire pit that I am dying to put out on the patio & to have a nice glass of wine sitting in those chairs. Just heard on the news that we might be getting some snow again????

  6. WHAT?? Oh Pam I am itching to be outside, I have so many projects I want to tackle...this darned weather is cooping me up! I am not a coop up girl!

  7. I can't wait for spring either...love your back yard!

    happy OW!!!

  8. Looks like Buddy knows where the best place to relax is located! Very nice house and property.

    ~ Tracy

  9. I love your back patio...looks like the cat does too. Yes, a fireplace would make it perfect. Your whole landscape just looks so lush and green. My yard is still yellow from winter....I wonder if I can create a patio in back of my home like that..what an inspiration!

  10. Your garden is absolutely beautiful! But I have to admit, I'm jealous of people who are still enjoying the cool weather...I'm still praying we get more rain here but it's not looking hopeful:(

  11. What a lovely setting. You must never want to leave home!!

    Susan and Bentley

  12. Your property is fabulous! Love your round patio and the great adirondack chairs. Such a beautiful spot to sit and enjoy the beautiful screnery.


  13. how fun and romantic that will be!

  14. Beautiful! I adore the round patio. It appreal to me so much more than square. Mine gives the illusion of being round due to the round boxwood planted in the center. I need to clean up all the sunflower hulls before I take pictures. The little birdies were very hungry this winter.
    ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

  15. can you tell me what you have planted in the shade. We are having trouble getting things to live in the shade. thank you


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