Monday, May 9, 2011

Back To DIY...Creating Your Own Invitations

It's graduation time again and that can only mean one thing...(ok, maybe more than one thing)
A party!
These should have been sent out with the Graduation Announcements a week ago, but you know I was KINDA busy!!! Go back and read my last few posts if you missed it.

Making your own personalized invitations takes some time, but isn't that difficult, especially if you have your own blog...I know you guys are so talented, too!

After asking my daughter what colors she'd like, I found a graphic on the internet. There are so many websites with free graphics these days.
Here's the one I found and saved as a jpeg file.
After that, I opened the  photos in Picasa and created a collage. Picasa is a little limiting as you can't place photos exactly where you want them and sometimes part of the photo is cut off.

Then, the invitations were printed on my new Lexmark printer. The invitations are 5" x 7"

Next was to cut them on the paper cutter.

And put them in envelopes. I happened to have just the right size. (sometimes being a packrat, hoarder, saving things comes in handy)

Next up: decorations!
Hope you are having beautiful Spring weather where you are!



  1. Nicely done Pam! I will have to remember this. Thanks for the step by step guide. Your daughter is so pretty too!

  2. Very nice job! You are so creative :) You have a lot going on this year with one out the door and the other graduating! Hugs...Liz


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