Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Two More Days...

15 boxes all packed up and ready to for pick up this morning. I'm waiting for Greyhound to pick up the packages while my daughter goes to the dentist, picks up her car from the body shop, goes to her hair appointment and gets the oil changed in her car. 
All  the final details are getting wrapped up.
Last night Jess' came home after her last day at work with balloons and a bag of gifts from her co-workers. So sweet.

Now comes the difficult part...
holding back the tears.

Here's something Tim posted yesterday on his Facebook page... "I'm really happy to celebrate my 25th anniversary with my wife, but at the same time I'm packing up our eldest daughter (only18) to move her out to California. And not just for school. It's really hard especially when I see pictures from when she was a little girl wearing a tiara and playing with Happy Meal princess dolls.
 If I could only turn back the clock..."

Jess' 3rd birthday

 To all of you who still have little ones  and teenagers; this day comes all too soon. Just remember that when your kids are giving you a hard time.



  1. Oh Pam! This is bittersweet. My heart goes out to both you and your husband. Oh and sorry I'm late but, Happy Anniversary! :) God bless you all!

  2. praying that you will feel the peace and comfort as He surrounds you and Tim during this stage in your lives :)

  3. Pam, it is so hard letting them go. I will be thinking of you.

  4. Oh Pam, this is making me cry!! I can't imagine how difficult it is:-)

  5. Pam this one brought tears to my eyes.
    Wishing all the best to your daughter.

    Thinking of you!

  6. It was a tough couple of weeks for you least your daughter is where she wants to be, sounds like a great adventure!


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