Monday, October 28, 2013

A Short Weekend At The Cottage

I know, I know, we've been going to the Cottage a lot. 

We've been workin' hard and I have pretty much missed posting about a lot of Fall decorating....
because I haven't done much.
because of all our trips to the Cottage. 

In my defense, I did post about my Fall Mantel, a Fall Vignette in the Foyer and a Fall tablescape.

(just in case you missed them)
I've decided to just skip over Fall decorating this year and head right on over to Christmas. 

But first,
I have to give you another Cottage update. 
 Last weekend ( a week ago) we went up to the mountains even though we only had 24 hours to spend there.
We brought up a whole bunch of stackable bricks that were given to us by our next door neighbors. 
I LOVE free stuff, don't you? 
Mr. Fanatic and I stacked them all up to temporarily make a fire pit so that we can burn things that we would otherwise have to take back home or to the dump.

We tried out our new Lodge cast iron grill and had made some really tasty burgers. We only had a plastic spatula, so what does a diyer use to turn the burgers?
 A metal paint scraper of course!

In our short visit, we also made a trip to Lowe's to purchase supplies to frame the bathroom we are putting in the upstairs bedroom. It's a good thing that Lowe's is only 20 minutes away from the mountain cottage. If you haven't guessed, we go there A LOT!

Mr. Fanatic even had time to  tear  the sheetrock off the closet...

Then, he tore out the framing. We are putting in a 1/2 bath which will be only a foot deeper than the closet. 
And that's where we finished up the weekend!
We still have so much work to do on the inside of the cottage, but I am definitely not complaining.
We are basically camping there, sleeping on air mattresses on the floor. They are quite comfortable because I bought 3" gel foam pads to go on them, which will go on the mattresses when we purchase them. 
We also brought a couple of outdoor folding chairs, an outdoor side table, a couple of lamps and our old, small dining room table from when we were first married.
That's all the "furniture" we have in the whole house. 
Mr. Fanatic says he feels like he's away at summer camp.  I agree. We both love the place.
It is a lot of work, though, but whenever we need a break, we go outside on the porch with the view and just take in all of God's gorgeous creation and remember how blessed we are.

Hope you had a wonderful weekend. Did you do anything fun or a diy project? 
Would love to hear about it.



  1. How awesome to have a cottage! Hey, where did you get the gel foam mats? We are looking for something like that when our boys have sleepovers. Sleepovers go better when the boys actually get a good night sleep! thanks, laura.
    visiting from

  2. Hey Laura, we ordered 3" gel foam mattress pads from Costco. Here's the link:

  3. Sounds like you two got a lot done in a short time. The leaves are stunning and a firepit will be fun too. Hugs, Marty

  4. It really sounds like fun to me, even the work and "roughing" it!! I had a lazy, relaxing weekend which we needed after two weekends of entertaining!

  5. Sounds like a productive 24 hrs! The bathroom will be great- although I imagine a lot of work. That was nice of your neighbors to give you those bricks.
    LOL on the spatula! Hope the burgers were good :-) You guys are already creating a lot of memories!

  6. It's a special time Pam…. I mean, you will have the "finished product" for many years to come, but these working hard and planning days will seem very short indeed. Kind of like going back to when we were in our twenties! I love the idea of camping out and just making do (temporarily, of course!) And, I'm sure you want to get the bulk of it done before really cold weather. Do you get snow up there? Have either of your daughters seen it yet? Opinions??? Look forward to more!


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