Saturday, February 1, 2014

Happy February First

Just wanted to wish all of you a Happy February First
Happy Weekend!

We hope you and your family made it through this week all safe and warm.
We made it through this week enduring a couple of really, really cold days, some ice and a little snow, but we're back up to warmer temps. 
I'm thinking about all of you buried under a foot or more of snow and wanted to cheer y'all up with my Spring Countdown:

Yup, hang in there because Spring is a little more than a month away. 
Every day I get to count one less day until Spring on the fancy framed chalkboard in our Foyer. 

So are you hanging in there?
Keeping busy?
Are you working on projects or are you getting cabin fever?

We're headed up the the Mountain Cottage for the day to finish up the rough plumbing and  electrical.
Last week it was in the low 30's... 
Of course our pipes were frozen, but I'll share about it another time. 

Follow me on INSTAGRAM and I might even post a quick pic or two.

What are you doing this weekend?


PS: sorry about the four old posts that all got posted yesterday. I was updating and cleaning up some stuff and I have no idea how that happened....and have no idea what date they should go back to :( 
Oh well.

1 comment:

  1. I guess it was no surprise that Punxsutawney Phil says there will be 6 more weeks of Winter…but I will celebrate Spring earlier!!…Love the chalkboard!


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