Thursday, January 18, 2018

Tasty Gluten Free Applesauce Muffins

These muffins are good. Not good for gluten free. 
They are GOOD.
They are "I could eat the whole batch of a dozen muffins at once good."

I have these gluten free applesauce muffins for breakfast. They are especially tasty with tea. Or if you like, coffee.
You have to try them at least once.
I found the recipe on Oven Love, but changed a few things.
gluten free applesauce muffins, gluten free, cottage, cottage style, farmhouse, farmhouse style,

Here's how I make them:

I gather all the ingredients and set them on the counter. It's easier than going back and forth from cubbard to counter to get the picture.
gluten free applesauce muffins, gluten free, cottage, cottage style, farmhouse, farmhouse style,

I set out 2 bowls and fill the first one with the dry ingredients.

1 1/2 cups of almond flour (I use Bob's Red Mill)
   1/2 cup of Mama's Best gluten free flour (if use 2 cups of almond flour, they'll be Paleo too)
   3/4 tsp salt 
   1 tbs of cinnamon 
   1 tsp of baking powder 
   1 tsp of baking soda
applesauce muffins, gluten free, cottage, cottage style, farmhouse, farmhouse style,

In the 2nd bowl, add all the  wet ingredients.
Blend 3 eggs together
gluten free applesauce muffins, gluten free, cottage, cottage style, farmhouse, farmhouse style,

4 tablespoons honey
1 cup applesauce
Blend together.
Add 2 teaspoons of vanilla
gluten free applesauce muffins, gluten free, cottage, cottage style, farmhouse, farmhouse style,

Blend the dry ingredients together then add the two bowls together. 
gluten free applesauce muffins, gluten free, cottage, cottage style, farmhouse, farmhouse style,

Fill 12 muffin cups up to  almost full.
gluten free applesauce muffins, gluten free, cottage, cottage style, farmhouse, farmhouse style,

Bake for 20 to 25 minutes at 350 degrees. 
gluten free applesauce muffins, gluten free, cottage, cottage style, farmhouse, farmhouse style,

Let cool and eat!!!
gluten free applesauce muffins, gluten free, cottage, cottage style, farmhouse, farmhouse style,

gluten free applesauce muffins, gluten free, cottage, cottage style, farmhouse, farmhouse style,

Bob's Red Mill almond flour, Applesauce muffins, gluten free

I buy my almond flour from Amazon... Link HERE 

If you'd like to follow me on Pinterest, I've pinned lots of yummy treats. Here's the link to my YUM board
Happy Eating!


* if you purchase something from my affiliate link, I'll make a small commission.

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