Saturday, August 4, 2018

More Accessories For The Mountain Cottage Kitchen

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Hello Friends!
Hope you’re having a great weekend!
I’ve been busy shopping online choosing some accessories for our mountain cottage, and a few for our home.
Here’s a sneak peek of a boxwood wreath I purchased from Kirkland’s. It found a new home on the iron wall decoration in our dining room.
mountain cottage kitchen, farmhouse kitchen, open shelves, wood hood, cottage style, farmhouse style

The last time I showed you the kitchen at our mountain cottage, I had added a few accessories
mountain cottage kitchen, farmhouse kitchen, open shelves, wood hood, cottage style, farmhouse style

The wall with the barn style lights still needed something, but the thermostat was in an odd place, almost right in the middle.
mountain cottage kitchen, farmhouse kitchen, open shelves, wood hood, cottage style, farmhouse style

Since, the thermostat couldn’t be moved, I looked for several smaller items that could fit in between the lights.

This was my plan:
mountain cottage kitchen, farmhouse kitchen, open shelves, wood hood, cottage style, farmhouse style

The first item I found was a round wicker tray on the TJ Maxx website. It originally had a glass chip and dip plate, but I gave that to our daughter and kept the wicker tray.
mountain cottage kitchen, farmhouse kitchen, open shelves, wood hood, cottage style, farmhouse style

I found a flower wall bucket on the Kirkland’s website.
mountain cottage kitchen, farmhouse kitchen, open shelves, wood hood, cottage style, farmhouse style

I set in some faux floral stems I found on Amazon awhile back.
mountain cottage kitchen, farmhouse kitchen, open shelves, wood hood, cottage style, farmhouse style

Hobby Lobby’s website had a few great signs. I found a large one for our house and this square one for the wall in the mountain cottage kitchen.
mountain cottage kitchen, farmhouse kitchen, open shelves, wood hood, cottage style, farmhouse style

At our house, we’ve kept our napkins in a box on the wall. I love that it’s decorative and functional. I didn’t want to break up the set, so I had Mr. DIY make one…
mountain cottage kitchen, farmhouse kitchen, open shelves, wood hood, cottage style, farmhouse style

It’s plain now, but I plan to stain it and possibly add a stenciled design.
mountain cottage kitchen, farmhouse kitchen, open shelves, wood hood, cottage style, farmhouse style

Here’s how the accessories will look on the wall.
20180804_173236 light wall

I’ll show you how all the accessories look on the wall in the kitchen at the mountain cottage another time.


1 comment:

  1. Looks great, Pam! The thermostat is a problem but the way you've played everything out, it looks good. I have those boxes---I got them so long ago I can't remember where. Looks like you are missing Thyme. The replica is perfect.

    Its fun to fix up a second home, you've learned from all the mistakes in the first one!



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