Thursday, July 23, 2020

Make Your Own Concrete Stepping Stones

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 Do you wear shoes in the summer or do you prefer to go barefoot?

I walk around barefoot.
Because 1. It's cooler and 2. I have better balance. (see my other blog for more) 
concrete stepping stones, gardening,  cottage garden

What I really don't like is having to walk in wood mulch to tend to my plants. It's so irritating to have wood mulch stick to the bottom of your feet. Try getting the mulch off when you have balance issues. Hopefully, my neighbors don't think I'm tipsy.
 What I really needed were some stepping stones.

I was hoping to find the stepping stones, probably 20 years ago, which we placed in some areas in the backyard at our last house. 
Guess, we left them there, because they weren't in our garden storage.

Thankfully, we kept the molds when we moved. and Mr. DIY picked up a bag of concrete at  our local Lowe's Home Improvement. 
He bought an 80 pound bag of Sakrete high-strength concrete mix.

concrete stepping stones, gardening,  cottage garden

Before mixing the concrete, Mr. DIY coated the plastic stepping stone mold with Crisco.

concrete stepping stones, gardening,  cottage garden

concrete stepping stones, gardening,  cottage garden

Next, Mr. DIY mixed the concrete.
The bag of concrete only had directions for mixing the whole bag, so he winged it. He mixed about 22 small trowels full of mix in a bucked and added a few cups of water at a time and mixed it until it looked the right consistency. 

concrete stepping stones, gardening,  cottage garden

He started scooping the concrete mix into the mold, pressing the concrete into the bottom before he added more concrete
concrete stepping stones, gardening,  cottage garden

concrete stepping stones, gardening,  cottage garden

Once filled, he took a scrap piece of wood to level out the top (really, the bottom)
concrete stepping stones, gardening,  cottage garden

Once the top was leveled , he tapped the mold with the concrete in it several times to get the air bubbles out.
concrete stepping stones, gardening,  cottage garden

Here are the filled molds.
concrete stepping stones, gardening,  cottage garden

We let them dry for 24 hours, then popped them out of the molds.
concrete stepping stones, gardening,  cottage garden

For the rough edges, he used the trowel to knock the concrete off. 
It wasn't quite smooth, but they will be in the mulch and won't be seen. 
If I were going to give them away, we would sand the edges smooth.
concrete stepping stones, gardening,  cottage garden

They should even out in color as the concrete dries out more, but they are hard enough to use.

concrete stepping stones, gardening,  cottage garden

This was our first attempt at making stepping stones in a long while. We have enough concrete to make 4 more stepping stones. Next time we will tamp them a bit more and we might even tint the concrete.
concrete stepping stones, gardening,  cottage garden

This was a pretty easy project and it was a very inexpensive (cost of a bag of concrete).
If you have to buy molds, then that would add to the cost of the project. 
It would be a simple diy project you can do with your kids at home. 

concrete stepping stones, gardening,  cottage garden

Hope you and your family are well.
Have some fun doing an easy diy projects today!


*This blog contains affiliate links, which means I'll make a small commission should you purchase something from one of these links. Thanks in advance!


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