Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Mountain Cottage Bathroom Update

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Slow and steady wins the race...

bathroom reno, bathroom,

Things progress slowly when one person only works two weekends(basically 3 days) a month and a week every 4 or 5 months ....but, it's getting there. 

Last time, the bathroom looked like this:

Framing, rough plumbing and electrical in, pocket door installed.

The bathroom looked like this the middle of March:

Most of the taping and "mudding" had been done by the middle of April.

Several weeks later after sanding, multiple coats of spackle(apply, let dry), then more sanding; the walls had 2 coats of white primer. (May 31st)

After going back and forth texting about the layout of the herringbone pattern last Saturday, most of the large whole tiles are down.
Mr. DIY would have made more progress had I been available earlier in the morning. (I was getting a 4 hour long NAD IV treatment at Icryo and the IV room doesn't have good WIFI reception. )

Meanwhile, I'm looking for some outdoor chairs for our front porch and screened in porch...

Click HERE for the link

Click  HERE for the link

I'm also looking for some durable modern Polywood Adirondack chairs for the Mountain Cottage patio we'll soon have installed.

 Which color should we choose?

Click  HERE for the link

Of course there's plenty else that needs to be done at the mountain cottage, such as mowing about 2 acres, tending to fruit trees, grapevines and blueberry bushes, fixing things that break and of course, cleaning up construction mess.

We're also hoping to get some concrete work done, which I posted about last time. Meeting up with contractors, getting a bid, all takes time...and Mr. DIY is basically doing all of this by himself, while working 50 hours a week and maintaining the house we live in. 

Despite all the work, Mr. DIY still says this is his happy place, especially when sitting on the porch and taking in the view.

Hope you're having a good week! 
Thanks for stopping by for the latest update on our Mountain Cottage Reno.


You can find more Mountain Cottage Reno projects on the right sidebar.

 this post contains affiliate links...which means I'll make a small commission should you purchase something after clicking on the link.

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