Friday, March 16, 2012

An Unset Breakfast Table

Isn't it great when you make a few inexpensive changes to one of your rooms and the changes make you smile every time you enter the space? 
That's how I feel about our Breakfast Room. Fresh paint, a table off Craigslist, inexpensive Ikea  curtains and a no cost diy sign all contribute to the new look. Decorating on a dime makes me happy, especially when it all comes together beautifully.

 To make the room look pretty, I kept the table set at all times. I started doing this after we put our house up for sale over a year ago. The breakfast table always looked so pretty. Problem is...nobody  would sit at the table. Everyone would end up at the bar instead.

I finally unset the table leaving only the centerpiece, candles, placemats and napkins. It still looks set, but it's much more user friendly since you  can bring your plate of food over and sit down without clearing anything off.

 Just had to show you my one Ikea purchase I brought back from my trip to SoCal. I found these round braided placemats that look great on top of   rectangular matellase placemats turned vertically.

The burlap wrapped votives look great with the added texture on the table.
I'm loving the new unset look...and now no one is afraid to sit there. Before, they didn't want to mess up my pretty table.

Happy Friday to you all! We will be finishing up the mulch in our flowerbeds and working outside. I can't wait to show you how it's all turning out!

Would love to know what you have planned for this weekend...


  1. Hi Pam,
    I love your dining room changes. Such a pretty place to sit and enjoy a meal with family.Love the pretty tablecloths too.


  2. Pam that's the prettiest "unset" table I've ever seen! Tomorrow I am hosting a fundraiser at my kids school so I will be there all day! So.... Sunday I might just spend the day in my pj's LOL! Have a great weekend!

  3. Beautiful changes to your breakfast table, Pam. I have those braided mats and use them more than any others I have.

  4. Nice changes Pam. Those votives are cute, as well as the new place mats. I think I'll probably spend some time in the garden tomorrow and then a St. Pats Party in the evening! Have a great weekend!

  5. Your dining room is so pretty, Pam, every bit of it. I keep our table at the lake set just like this. it is so inviting and I can change the dishes out whenever I want.

    Have a Happy Weekend!


  6. Pam, the natural place mats look wonderful on that great table. We hardly eat at our table either. I cut our grass today and having been sprucing up the flower garden. It is hard to resist outside when it is so pretty. I want to buy flowers but am trying to move and split my existing flowers first to save money. blessings, olive

  7. Oh I love your unset table. It looks gorgeous. I use to keep ours set all the time too, now i just use a runner and the centerpiece. Easy to add the placemats and eat. Your linens are super. Hugs, Marty

  8. Very pretty! I agree that it's hard to 'mess up' a set table by sitting at it. :) Good idea to have it looking pretty, but also welcoming! I love the new placemats and burlap candles.

    I hope the gardening goes well this weekend.


  9. I love your unset table, Pam! I agree ... as much as we love our *set* tables ... folks are almost afraid to sit at them. LOL. Yours is beautiful ... love the woven chargers and the burlap wrapped votives.

  10. I've always wondered about a set table. Are you supposed to sit or not!! Everything looks great as usual.


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