Thursday, September 4, 2014

DIY Pottery Barn Knockoff Storage Bed... All Dressed

Thanks for coming back today to see the bed at the mountain cottage all dressed up. It's really not fancy, with it being the upstairs attic bedroom at a mountain cottage and all. We meant for it to be comfortable. 

You remember that the inspiration for our storage bed was Pottery Barn's Stratton Bed, but at $1,499, it was a little too pricey for us. 

Yesterday, I left you hanging with the bed all painted (even though the finish was smooth and pretty because we used the HomeRight Finish Max). 

I started collecting linens and pillow several months ago. I saw the Retreat pillow at Marshall's back in May; I even Instagramed about it asking if I should get it for the mountain cottage. I didn't pick it up while I was waiting for an answer from someone and I forgot about it, paid for my other purchases and left the store.

When I returned home I realized I had forgotten to put it in the cart. Since there were a bunch of these on the shelf, I figured I could go back a couple of days later and surely there'd be one left.
I was. so. sad. 
I kept mentally kicking myself for weeks. Every time I would go to a Marshall's or HomeGoods, I would look down all the pillow aisles and even on the furniture, hoping one would be there. But, it wasn't.
I was finally resigned to the fact that I should start looking for something else. 

A few weeks ago, I was out in Southern California helping my dad. Of course I had to go to the brand new HomeGoods nearby.
Lo and behold, what should I find in the pillow aisle?
One. Retreat. Pillow!
Boy, was I happy!!!!

I bought a few other things and stuffed it all in my luggage. My suitcase was so stuffed, I'm amazed that the zipper didn't pop!
I found the lamps at HomeGoods near my home before I left for SoCal.  They fit perfectly against the angled wall-- a regular lamp wouldn't fit. The gray coverlet is from Ikea.

I still don't have nightstands...Just wanted to be real and show you what we bloggers do for photos...hehe....

I brought up the little rug from was in my giveaway pile in the basement. Turns out it's perfect for our upstairs attic bedroom at the mountain cottage. 

We still have a few projects to do in and finish up in this room, but for now, it's comfortable and we can sleep in the comfy bed. 
I won't be getting baskets for the cubbies. I am going to custom make a white cotton bedskirt to cover up the stored items, which will be linens, comforters and pillows and other longer term storage. We have a really large dresser on the other side of the room for clothing, a small closet for hanging items and a floor to ceiling bookcase. I still have so much to show you!!!

Do you have a tale about something you wish you wouldn't have left at the store or a project you are working on? Would love to hear about it!


ps...if you missed the previous post about how Mr. DIY constructed the bed and I painted it, you can see it HERE.


  1. This bed is so perfect and wow, so much fabulous storage too. The lamps are a genius idea with the slanted wall. Love it all.

  2. Wow this turned out great right down to the pillow. You did a fantastic job.


  3. Oh I'm glad you found your pillow! I had some dishes that I wanted from our TJ Maxx store but couldn't get a decent selection. I left and came back hoping to find them and perhaps more selection but they were all gone. Then I was downstate visiting and the same thing happened to me- their Home Goods store had them so I was able to get what I needed. I like how you set up the bed- it looks cozy and inviting. That's a good idea how you used those lamps for the angled space. Are you going to get baskets for the cubbies? You guys sure did a great job with making that bed frame. I could use that in my tiny house's bedrooms.

  4. You guys are just ROCKING it! Everything is looking so, so good and the bed is beautiful. I get the quest for the pillow ;) Sometimes, something just sticks and you've got to have it! Sure is perfect there. (I never would have thought to cheat on the nightstand. Clearly I am a less than brilliant blogger. hehe.

  5. My husband and i have decided that this is the perfect bed for our Master and have started the plans to make a Cal King frame. My question is this... I am ordering a Cal king mattress and it comes with box springs but it does not look like she used box springs here. Is there and advantage or disadvantage to not using box springs?

    1. Shannon, You don't need a box spring if you choose or make a platform bed. The purpose of a box spring is to support the mattress and the storage bed does this. See if you can order the mattress without the box spring. It usually saves you some money.

  6. Love it!! I would do what they did in the Pottery Barn ad. Tuck the bottom.

    1. It does look nice all tucked in, but it takes too much time and I don't have the strength anymore(at least not right now). I would like to get a bed shirt to cover the storage spaces.

  7. Could you give us an idea of how much the whole thing cost? Not sure if it was written anywhere

    1. $300 to $400? I can't remember exactly. Ana White's website(where we got the plans) says $200, but I believe it waas more than that.

  8. Do you have an updated picture of the bed with a bedskirt? Still trying to figure out if I want to put a 8x10 rug under this bed or just something on the sides. So far I can't find the right kind of rug that will look like a coastal cottage rug with this bed that comes in a light jute color. I have a medium brown floor so I wanted a lighter color for this coastal rug


    1. I never added a bedskirt. It's still one of many things on my project list!


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